In the heating and cooling industry, there’s been a lot of talk about R410A refrigerant. Originally replacing the R22 refrigerant used in heat pumps and air conditioning systems, R410A is now being replaced with newer AL2 refrigerants. As a homeowner, you may be wondering if it’s necessary to upgrade your AC unit before the phase-out occurs.

Why Is R410A Being Phased Out?

Over the years, the harmful effects of R410A on our environment have been repeatedly noted by governments across the globe. This refrigerant contains hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs for short. These are documented to have high global warming potential, which leads to depletion in the earth’s ozone layer. This is a necessary layer in the atmosphere that protects the earth from the damaging ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

R410A operates at a very high pressure. Unfortunately, when HVAC technicians are performing service on air conditioning systems or there is a leak that develops, a large amount of this refrigerant can seep into the atmosphere. Because of the potential for extreme damage, various countries, as part of the United Nations, signed the Montreal Protocol to rid the use of HFCs.

The EPA was given full power under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act of 2020 to address the removal of HFCs from production. They’ve set standards for air conditioning manufacturers to stop the production of equipment that uses R410A refrigerant by January 2025. Furthermore, they’ve set a schedule for reducing the production of this refrigerant, so its production will cease by 2040.

What Happens If Your AC Uses R410A Refrigerant?

If your existing air conditioning system uses R410A refrigerant, you may be worried about whether you’ll need to upgrade. Homeowners are still able to use systems that have R410A refrigerant after the January 2025 production deadline. The only thing to keep in mind is that with the slowing of R410A production, the availability of refrigerant to recharge your system may diminish.

As supplies get smaller, the price of these supplies will increase. It’s important to note that AC units that currently use R410A refrigerant may not be converted to using one of the newer AL2 refrigerants. HVAC manufacturers had to redesign their cooling systems to effectively use the newer refrigerants, so you’ll need to purchase a whole new unit to have access to the newer refrigerants.

Does It Make Sense to Upgrade?

The decision of whether to upgrade your existing air conditioning system will highly depend on your unique situation. There are some key facts to keep in mind when making your ultimate decision. The price of newer AC systems that use AL2 refrigerants is about 15% higher than those that use R410A refrigerants.

This increase in cost can be attributed to the redesigning of the units and the mandatory integration of safety features, like leak detection sensors. As we transition into the ceasing of production of the R410A systems, their price is going to diminish. The EPA has also mandated that all new units that use R410A refrigerant must be installed before January 2026. This means that the price of new units that use R410A is likely to drop significantly as we get closer and closer to January 2026.

The Benefits of Upgrading AC Systems

HVAC manufacturing companies are already producing new air conditioning systems that use the newer AL2 refrigerants. The two most popular forms of this refrigerant include R32 and R454B. Both have a much lower GWP, known formally as global warming potential, than the older R410A refrigerant, making them a better option for the environment.

If you’re concerned about your family’s impact on the environment, then you may want to consider upgrading to these newer units so you can stop using your AC system that relies on the more harmful R410A refrigerant. Another reason you may want to consider an upgrade is that newer units come with more advanced safety features.

These include features like automatic leak detection and shut-off valves. This will further help to reduce any leaking of refrigerant out of your air conditioning system. Plus, it will ensure that your air conditioner’s fan turns on whenever a leak is detected to help disperse the refrigerant.

Reliable HVAC Replacement Service

Campo Heating & Air Conditioning offers a reliable HVAC replacement service to the Carriere, MS area. We can also help with all your heating, air conditioning, sheet metal, air duct cleaning, and indoor air quality needs.

Phone Campo Heating & Air Conditioning today to book your next service consultation with one of our HVAC professionals.

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