Maintaining optimal indoor air quality in your Carriere, MS, home is extremely important to your health. When an excessive number of particulates are circulating, this can increase symptoms associated with allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions. The main culprits for poor indoor air quality are typically pet dander, dust particles, dust mites, pollen and mold spores. Luckily, there are ways that you can improve your indoor air quality, including using your HVAC system.

HVAC System Filtration

Your HVAC system is equipped with a filter that traps many of the particulates that are circulating in your indoor air and through your heating and cooling equipment. These filters are usually rated using the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) scale. High-rated MERV filters trap more particles than low-rated filters, but you can’t assume that your HVAC system can face the restricted airflow that will come from a filter that is MERV-rated 13 or higher. It’s a good idea to refer to the owner’s manual of your heating and cooling equipment to see what kind of filter is recommended. You can also talk to an HVAC professional to find out more.

You should replace your filter once every 30 to 90 days, depending on the type of filter that you’re using. Also, you may need to change your filter more often if you have pets, if it’s allergy season, or if you’ve just had some renovations or remodeling work performed in your home.

You can upgrade your HVAC filter to something that is more efficient at improving your indoor air. For example, some filters contain activated carbon in addition to the typical pleated fibers that are used. Activated carbon can improve the smell of your home while removing harmful irritants, such as cigarette smoke, cooking odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Adding On Filtration Options

Many homes employ stand-alone air purification units to help boost indoor air quality. While many of these units can be very effective, they don’t address whole-home air quality. If you’re looking to address more square footage at one time, you can have an HVAC professional install a whole-home air purification device in your HVAC system. All of the air that passes through your system and ductwork will be filtered before circulating into the various rooms of your home.

These whole-house filtration units can trap more particles than a traditional HVAC filter. Many units use HEPA filters, which can trap as much as 99.97% of the particles in your indoor air.

Controlling Humidity

Very high levels of humidity in the home can make indoor air feel uncomfortable. Humid air also holds onto more particles, not to mention, this can promote the growth of mold, which is extremely dangerous for your health. When you’re running your air conditioning equipment, moisture will condense on the interior coils. This condensation is removed by using a drainage hose. This equates to less moisture in your indoor air.

You can also use a whole-house dehumidifier to control high levels of humidity. This equipment is installed in your HVAC system and can be controlled however you see fit, depending on the weather conditions and the time of year. This is a much lower-maintenance option than a stand-alone dehumidifier that must be emptied periodically and cleaned. It doesn’t have to be used all year. Most homeowners use their dehumidifier during the summer months when humidity levels are very high in Carriere. When the winter arrives and the air becomes drier, you can change your settings accordingly. A whole-house humidifier can address low levels of moisture in your indoor air if it’s a problem for you during the winter months.

If you are interested in learning more about how your HVAC system can be used to boost your indoor air quality, reach out to the team at Campo Heating & Air Conditioning. We are dedicated to helping Carriere homeowners understand the importance of their indoor air quality through air quality testing and air duct cleaning. We can also take care of the installation, repair and maintenance of your heating and cooling equipment. Reach out to Campo Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment.

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